Guide to Goal Setting & Mental Skills Training Learn how to apply key ideas from sports psychology to optimize your endurance performance! Mental skills training isn’t just for...
Mental Skills Training Integrate mental skills training directly into your physical workouts. Each mental skills prompt below includes a suggestion for how to...
Can Self-Compassion Make You a Better Athlete? Athletes can be hard on themselves. Have you ever finished a race or training session with words of self-criticism flowing...
How Do You Use Self-Talk to Improve Performance? Self-talk — the “verbalizations or statements addressed to the self” (Hardy 2006, p. 84) — has been widely examined in...
Guide to Motivation PART 1. MOTIVATION Knowing Yourself “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” — Aristotle Before you can effectively set your...
Guide to Goal Setting PART 2. GOAL SETTING Outcome, Performance, and Process Goals Before setting your goals, let’s start with some background on different...
Guide to Mental Skills Training PART 3. MENTAL SKILLS TRAINING What Limits Performance? “Whether you believe you can or not, you’re right.”— Henry Ford “There...
Guide to Executing on Race Day PART 4. EXECUTING ON RACE DAY Race Day Readiness Racing is an incredible opportunity to showcase the impact of your...
How to Make the Most of Goal Setting Research Says Two systematic reviews published in the International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology examined how goal setting impacts...
Open Goals Can Unlock Flow, Reduce Pressure Research Says Four studies collectively examine how different types of goals influence both performance and psychological states, particularly the experience...
Mental Skills Help Athletes Excel Under Pressure Research Says In a meta study aimed at identifying key factors and strategies that facilitate performance under pressure, Jacob Hufton...