Warmup A proper warmup ensures your body and muscles are ready for the main workout. The higher the intensity of the...
Running Drills Runners who regularly incorporate drills into their training are better able to recruit muscles needed for the task, leaving them...
Warmdown After you’ve finished the main workout, a proper warmdown facilitates recovery from the work you’ve done. Warm down with 10-20...
Functional Core Strength Workout Here are two versions of a functional core workout that can be done in as little as 10 minutes (performing...
Runner’s Core Strength Workout You can put together these exercises as a workout that can be done at home whenever it’s convenient. Do one...
Runner’s Leg Strength Workout This workout can be done at home whenever it’s convenient. Do on set of each exercise for about 10 minutes....
Classic Cross-Country Skiing for Beginners Classic Cross-Country skiing offers something for everyone, from exercise to beautiful winter scenery. REI partnered with Greg Rhodes of the...
Skate Skiing for Beginners Cross-Country skate skiing offers something for everyone, from great exercise to beautiful winter scenery. REI partnered with Greg Rhodes of...
Cross-Country Skate Skiing Techniques Explained Nordic Ski Lab provides an overview of the five skate skiing techniques, including demos of each technique, along with tips...
How Body Position Works in V2 Skate Skiing Nordic Ski Lab explains body position and how the body moves in V2 skate skiing (One Skate technique in Canada,...
Tips for Skinning Uphill Traveling uphill on skis or a splitboard is a great way of getting a workout and enjoying time in the...
How to Care for Your Climbing Skins While Backcountry Skiing Learn how to care for your climbing skins with instruction from the American Mountain Guides Association.
When To Use A Ski Touring Binding’s Heel Lifter AMGA certified mountain guides Margaret Wheeler and Jeff Ward talk through the pros and cons of when to use each...
How To Prepare The Skin Track Corners For Kick Turning AMGA Guide Instructor Margaret Wheeler shows four techniques for prepping corners on the skin track to improve kick turns, especially...
When To Use Ski Crampons AMGA instructor guides Margaret Wheeler and Jeff Ward explain when to use ski crampons and two common ways to put...