Why Strong Hips Are Important for Running Form Are you a runner that has dealt with your share of iliotibial (IT) band or knee problems? Are you a...
How to Avoid Hip Drop for Better Running Form Hip abductors play a key role in stabilizing a runner through the gait cycle. The hip abductors—gluteus medius and gluteus...
How to Maximize Body Position for Economical Running A common piece of advice given to runners is to “run tall.” To grasp what this looks like, imagine a...
Why a Strong Core is Important for Good Running Form The glute max, along with the hamstrings, act as primary hip extensors. And each step you take while running involves...
Do Trail Super Shoes Help Mountain Runners? Research Says A new study, “The Impact of Advanced Footwear Technology on the Performance and Running Biomechanics of Mountain Runners”...
Adapting to Super Shoes Research Says A study titled “Advanced Footwear Technology in Non-Elite Runners: A Survey of Training Practices and Reported Outcomes” by...
Should You Run in Super Shoes? In recent years, running shoes have undergone a technological revolution, ushering in the era of “super shoes,” or what researchers...
Do Ultrarunners Benefit from Fasted or Glycogen-Depletion Runs? Ultrarunners sometimes use a training strategy that involves running in a fasted or glycogen-depleted state. The premise behind this strategy...
How Much Should You Be Eating and Drinking During an Ultramarathon? Ultramarathons have sometimes been called an eating contest while running, given the need for consistent fueling throughout the events. Ultrarunners...
How Much Caffeine is Safe to Ingest During an Ultramarathon? When developing your fueling and hydration plan for an ultramarathon, you also need to take into account how much caffeine...
Equivalent Running Performances Calculator Based on your time for a given running distance, this calculator estimates the “equivalent performances” at other distances. Keep in...
Effective VO2max and Running Pace Zones To figure your target training times, input the distance and time of your running time trial or race. The results...
Running Pace Zones To figure your target training times, input the distance and time of your running time trial. The time trial should...
Running Heart Rate Zones Calculate your running heart rate zones using the Joe Friel 7-zone system. Input your lactate threshold heart rate for running...
Running Pace Calculator Calculate your pace, distance or time using the calculator below. First, indicate what to “calculate for” using the drop-down menu....