Calculate your pace, distance or time using the calculator below. First, indicate what to “calculate for” using the drop-down menu. Then input the other two variables in the appropriate boxes.
More Calculators
Running Pace Calculator
Calculate running pace based on time and distance, or time based on pace and distance.
Equivalent Running Performances Calculator
Estimate “equivalent” performances at across different distances based on race results of a given distance.
Running Heart Rate Zones Calculator
Calculate your heart rate zones for running based on lactate threshold heart rate.
Running Pace Zones Calculator
Calculate your pace zones for running based on the results of a time trial.
Effective VO2max and Running Pace Zones Calculator
Calculate your effective VO2max and running pace zones based on race results.
Cycling Heart Rate Zones Calculator
Calculate your heart rate zones for cycling based on lactate threshold heart rate.
Swimming Pace Zones Calculator
Calculate your pace zones for swimming based on the results of a time trial.