• Guide to Using Training Zones

    Learn how to use training zones to add precision to your training! Using training zones allows you to add precision to your workouts. If you’re targeting an upcoming event or performance objective, you need a systematic plan to structure your training around those goals. A key element of any training…

  • Guide to Creating Your Training Plan

    Learn how to create a training plan and schedule key workouts to reach your goals! To excel in your athletic goals, you need to train with a purpose. Training with a purpose means knowing why you are doing a particular workout and how that workout fits into your overall progression…

  • Why Is Logging Post-Workout Comments Important and What Should You Include?

    Leaving post-workout comments in your training log may feel unnecessary when your training device auto-uploads your workout directly into TrainingPeaks. Isn’t the data from your training device enough for you and your coach to work with?  Although your training device data is crucial, it only tells part of your training…

  • How Do You Use Self-Talk to Improve Performance?

    Self-talk — the “verbalizations or statements addressed to the self” (Hardy 2006, p. 84) — has been widely examined in sport psychology. Self-talk can be positive or negative, spoken aloud/externally or silently/internally, and be instructional or motivational. The research literature has shown that “self-talk is beneficial for athletic performance” (Tod,…

  • Can Self-Compassion Make You a Better Athlete?

    Athletes can be hard on themselves. Have you ever finished a race or training session with words of self-criticism flowing through your inner dialogue? If so, you’re not alone. The culture of sport often revolves around the assumption that harsh criticism is necessary to motivate athletes in the face of…

  • When To Use Ski Crampons

    AMGA instructor guides Margaret Wheeler and Jeff Ward explain when to use ski crampons and two common ways to put them on.

  • Tips for Skinning Uphill

    Traveling uphill on skis or a splitboard is a great way of getting a workout and enjoying time in the mountains on your way to making some great turns. To help get you started, Grant Bishop with the Professional Ski Instructors of America and Brennan Metzler from the American Association…