In a notebook or the workbook for the course, use the prompts below to reflect on your race experience.
- What went well in the race? Consider things like pacing, nutrition, tactics, etc. You can note things both in your control and out of your control.
- What didn’t go well in the race? Consider things like pacing, nutrition, tactics, etc. You can note things both in your control and out of your control.
- If you had a race plan or strategy, were you able to follow it? Is there anything you would have changed about that plan or strategy?
- Did you stay on top of your fueling and hydration? If not, what barriers did you encounter? What lessons did you learn about food preferences while racing?
- How well did you show up and meet the performance standards you set for yourself? Consider where you met the standards. Consider where you may have struggled and what the barriers were to meeting them.
- In what areas did you feel particularly prepared and/or underprepared? Consider any issues that are relevant — physical, mental, nutritional, etc.
- What about your training would you do differently next time? If you could go back and adjust your training plan with 20/20 hindsight, how would you adjust it?
- What about your training would you keep the same next time? What are some things that worked well?
- What did you learn about yourself as an athlete and as a person from the experience? In what ways are you a different person now that you’ve gone through that experience?
- Any additional thoughts or reflections on the experience? Reflect on and discuss anything else that’s on your mind after the race.
The workbook provides templates for all of the practical applications in the course. Download here if you haven’t already:
- Practical Application Workbook (Google Doc)